How to get rid of Acne Scars Naturally, Traditional and Fast

We will discuss how to remove acne scars naturally and traditionally , so without the slightest cosmetic wear equipment . How do to get rid the acne scars?
Usually people who face acne , then he would also have acne scars and of course it can make sense to believe ourselves to be dropped . Acne scars are usually a black spot , a hole in the skin of the face , flushed skin and there is still more.

If you also belong to the people who have problems with acne scars and feel less confident as a result of acne scars that would not go away , maybe a way to remove acne scars traditional style this could be the solution for you . 

How to get rid of Acne Scars Naturally

1 . Using Natural Mask of Jicama
I'm sure my friend 's inner 've seen advertising a cosmetic product that uses yam as the main ingredient of the beauty tool . That's because the yam is very useful to brighten and refresh the skin , whether it's skin or the skin of the hands and feet . But you know , it turns out yam also has other benefits , which we can use to remove acne scars on the face . It's easy at all , here are the steps:
• Provide yam : 1 piece to Acne Naturally
• Then Peel the yam skin and scar
• Next, you can put the grated yam contained on skin acne scars .
• Then you leave on the mask is always approximately 15-20 minutes.
• Finally rinse with clean water , this way is best done every time you will be able to sleep because the skin retain moisture , preventing dry skin .

2 . Tea waste
Perhaps not everyone knows this secret . But at home where I used to live around the area arrowroot , tea waste is used as a natural remedy to soften the face including removing acne scars . The trick is to put a tea waste on any existing surface scars facial acne .

3 . Lemon
I believe to this third way you already know . Because of the way to remove acne scars with lemon is already popular . But for those of you who do not know how , please do the steps which provide 1 piece of lemon, lime is then split into two parts . Furthermore, rub the lemon to on your skin . easy is not it ?

How to get rid of Acne Scars Naturally and Fast

4 . Cucumber fruit
The next way is by using a cucumber . In the world of beauty , cucumbers believed to make the face look brighter , smoother and more refreshed . To get rid of facial scars with cucumber easy way, we only need 1 piece of cucumber and then slice thinly , then put you on the face . Let the cucumbers absorb dirt in your face for approximately 20-30 minutes . After that you can take it off . This way you can do every time you sleep .

5 . Tomatoes
How to remove acne scars with tomato , as well as how to remove acne scars with lemon that we only need to divide the tomatoes into 2 parts then gosokanlah on your skin .

6 . Red onion or garlic
You can also remove acne scars by using shallots or onions puith . The way provide some pieces of onion or garlic . Then Parutlah the onion and stick in your face . But be careful not to get in eyes , because it can make the eyes become sore .

7 . Bananas
Everyone must have known how good bananas hehehehehe . But in addition to tasty banana fruit also turns out to have many benefits among which to remove acne scars on the face . It's easy, prepare 1 piece linings / taste . Then puree in a blender , then put the skin of your face . Allow the mask of the bananas for about 15 minutes

8 . Avocado
Avocados are one of my favorite fruit ( little vent hehe : p ) because I think it tastes good especially when juiced yes not buddy ? . But apparently we avocado can also make a mask remover acne scars and can also make the skin look smooth and fresh . It's easy once , prepare 1 avocado , puree in a blender then put the skin of your face .

9 . Washing your face with warm water
Perhaps this could be an alternative way to deal with acne . The way is easy , we just need wash to face with warm water on a regular basis , it would be great if done 3 times a day . Morning, noon , and night before you sleep .

10 . Stone ice tea and warm water
Lastly, acne scars can also be removed by brushing slowly - rubbing ice cubes on your face . Then wash with hot tea water . Let stand at least 10 minutes , then wash with water .

Above methods is the traditional way , there may be scientifically proven , some have not . But many people are proven its value. So do not worry , because the above methods using natural ingredients and will not cause any side effects of course .
That tips on how to remove acne scars naturally and traditional . Hopefully be useful to you . Ok good luck and good luck to heal / remove acne scars on your face .

4 Responses to “How to get rid of Acne Scars Naturally, Traditional and Fast”

Joe Root said...
October 29, 2016 at 8:14 AM

You are very brave focuses in this article. I would have never thought to be any of these in the event that I didn't run over this. Much appreciated!. how to remove acne scars

Unknown said...
March 17, 2017 at 5:41 AM

This is an awesome piece of information. Natural Acne Treatment is one of the best things to follow.

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Dr. Health Clinic said...
July 3, 2019 at 4:28 AM

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